AsiaInfo Empowers Enterprises with AntDB, DataOps and Privacy Computing Products for High Quality Development

2024-06-11 Asiainfo

Recently, AsiaInfo held an innovative seminar titled “Digital Intelligence Integration and Innovative Development,” focusing on cutting-edge topics in enterprise digital and intelligent upgrading. Senior product managers and technical architects engaged in face-to-face discussions, sharing innovative achievements and practical cases to jointly explore new paths for enterprises’ digital intelligence transformation.


Figure 1: Event Poster

AntDB: An Innovator in CRM Global Databases

AsiaInfo’s Chief Architect of AntDB delivered a speech titled “CRM Global Database Replacement Practice Based on AntDB.” Taking the CRM database replacement of telecommunication operators as an example, the architect thoroughly analyzed the technical challenges and innovative practices in replacing enterprises’ core databases. The database product, AntDB, demonstrated its technological innovations in many aspects such as SQL parsing engine optimization, read-write separation architecture, and sub-transaction performance handling, achieving smooth data migration and significant performance improvements.

During the presentation, AsiaInfo showcased its domestic solutions and a series of supporting tools for database migration, data synchronization, and performance optimization in China.

Data OS: The Builder of Intelligent Data Centers

AsiaInfo’s Manager of Data Center Products delivered a speech titled “Intelligent Data Centers Based on DataOps,” deeply analyzing the industrial development tendency of the data industry and the urgent needs of enterprises for intelligent data centers. The data center operating system, Data OS, integrates critical functions such as data acquisition, analysis, and storage, providing a one-stop data-based governance solution that helps enterprises unleash the value of data assets and reduce management costs.

In addition, successful application cases of Data OS in industries such as telecommunications and government affairs were shared in the speech, demonstrating how the data center assists enterprises in unlocking the value of data assets, reducing management costs, and effectively avoiding data risks through core functions like dynamic transmission solutions, task scheduling, and proactive metadata management, which can ultimately enhance the quality of data management.

Privacy Computing Products: Guardians of Data Security

AsiaInfo’s Manager of Privacy Computing Products introduced privacy computing products through a keynote speech titled “Exploring the ‘Data Wonderland’: Privacy Computing All-in-one Machine Opens a New Era for Secure Data.” This innovative product integrates cutting-edge privacy protection technologies such as secure multi-party computation and federated learning, and ensures the security and privacy of data during its circulation and processing. At the same time, it can provide powerful privacy computing capabilities through hardware acceleration technology.

Moreover, the privacy computing products’ vast application potential in various fields, such as government affairs and automotive, was also showcased in this presentation. The privacy computing products promotes data circulation and sharing through private set intersection and concealed queries while ensuring data security, providing solid technical support for data applications across industries, and empowering thousands of industries.


Figure 2: Live Broadcast Content

Through this event, AsiaInfo demonstrated its profound technical expertise and rich practical experience in data-based governance, exploration and analysis, and security assurance.

AsiaInfo’s AntDB, Data OS, and privacy computing products are technological breakthroughs and accelerators for enterprises’ digital intelligence transformation. These three products and the relevant solutions effectively enhance the efficiency and security of data processing, providing enterprises with more in-depth data insights and decision support, awakening data value, and propelling enterprises to advance steadily among the wave of digitalization.