AISWare AIRPA is a robotic process automation platform with one-stop capabilities covering process construction, process execution, process control, process exploration, process assistant, and value operation. It deeply combines RPA with PM, TM, AI, LLM and other cutting-edge technologies to form next-generation digital employees with no-threshold, 100% automation, and hyper intelligence, driving the process automation reshaping and accelerating enterprise self-intelligence upgrading.

Product superiority

Product value


Higher Efficiency

  • Automate a large amount of repetitive and regular tasks.
  • All-day-around runtime
  • Freeing up human resources for more valuable works

Lower Costs

  • Ready to work without training to reduce training costs
  • Accurate execution at 0 error to minimize error correction costs
  • Automatic execution for less manual labor to cut labor costs

Explore Process Bottlenecks

  • Visually restore the true process path
  • Rich process governance tools
  • Discover hidden automation opportunities

AI Native

  • Automatic comprehension and execution
  • Effortless cross-system linkage
  • Fast self-intelligence transformation

Application scenario

Financial Automation
  • Automatic tax declaration
  • Invoice compliance verification
  • Bank-enterprise reconciliation
  • Automatic asset inventory
Telecom Automation
  • O domain device inspection
  • Batch form filling
  • Real name verification
  • Complaint work order transfer
Government Affair Automation
  • Flood monitoring and inspection
  • Smart Government Approval
  • 12345 workorder transfer
Manufacturing Automation
  • Automatic inventory management
  • Logistics tracking
  • Supplier admission verification

Customer success case

RPA Platform for a provincial operator

To solve the problem of a huge volume of repetitive manual operations in a provincial mobile operator, AISWare RPA is adopted to enhance the work efficiency for higher work accuracy and efficiency with lower manual input.

  • 75% Improved work efficiency
  • 80% Manpower cost savings
Digital Employee Platform for a GOSC-led Enterprise

With the goal of digitalizing the industry, AISWare AIRPA has completed the full digital coverage of typical scenarios, well-connected key processes, and totally online core business, so as to fulfill the Group's digital operation.

  • 200% Boosted work efficiency:
  • 1000 Save working hours: Over 1,000 people per day

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