AsiaInfo AntDB honored with Technology Excellence Award 2022 for its exceptional “telecom-grade” advantages

2023-12-29 AsiaInfo

AsiaInfo AntDB has recently been honored with the prestigious “Technology Excellence Award” by IT168, a leading IT vertical media outlet. 

This accolade is the result of a rigorous selection process conducted by industry CIO/CTO luminaries, technical experts, and influential IT media, all of whom represent the voice of users and media agencies. AntDB clinched the Technology Excellence Award after impressing the judges with its impressive track record in the telecommunications sector spanning 15 years, as well as its recent successful deployments in sectors such as finance, energy, and transportation.


Figure 1: AsiaInfo AntDB honored with the Technology Excellence Award 2022

Since its inception in 2008, AntDB has been a cornerstone of operational efficiency for telecommunication operators, providing seamless online services to millions of users across 24 provinces. With its remarkable ability to handle millions of core communication transactions per second at peak loads, AntDB boasts exceptional performance, elastic scalability, and unwavering reliability. These qualities have enabled it to ensure uninterrupted system operations for over a decade, making it the go-to choice for industries ranging from telecommunications to finance, transportation, energy, and the IoT.

After 15 years of fine-tuning its core system for telecommunication operators, AsiaInfo AntDB has emerged with four remarkable characteristics:

Scale - It caters to a massive user base, serving billions of terminal mobile users.

Longevity - With its inception dating back to 2008, AntDB has weathered the test of time, undergoing 15 years of meticulous honing.

Blazing Speed - Its execution performance is nothing short of breathtaking, processing millions of core communication transactions per second at peak loads.

Stability - AntDB has been the bedrock of telecommunication operators' core systems, operating efficiently and securely for well over a decade.

AsiaInfo AntDB, a cutting-edge database product, made its debut in a live production environment in 2008

Established in the early 21st century, the AntDB database team at AsiaInfo emerged as pioneers in China's database research and development landscape. As communication technology evolved from 2G to 3G, the team relentlessly drove AntDB's upgrading and iteration, leveraging novel application scenarios and cutting-edge database technologies. This thrust enabled them to deliver state-of-the-art database solutions and services to telecommunication operators and diverse industry clients.

Around 2005, mobile phones transcended their “basic calling” phase, transitioning into the realm of smartphones on 2G and 3G network. For domestic operators catering to the world's largest population, business pressures and data volumes surged. However, traditional database products nurtured in the European and American markets fell short in satisfying the colossal demands of data management. This predicament compelled AsiaInfo, as an operator partner, to embark on a path of independent development for fundamental software, including databases and middleware, among others.

In 2008, AsiaInfo made a groundbreaking move by introducing its in-house developed memory database engine into the billing and accounting core systems of telecommunication operators. These systems demanded exceptional performance and data security to handle the ever-growing data processing needs brought forth by end-users.

It's worth noting that AsiaInfo AntDB catapulted to the forefront of the industry right from its inception. It was immediately deployed in the telecommunications sector's most critical and pivotal business systems, catering to the colossal data management requirements on a global scale. As a result, the product's concurrency, high performance, stability and security set new industry standards from day one.

Receiving the Technology Excellence Award not only serves as recognition from various sectors for AsiaInfo AntDB's years of technical expertise and practical application but also as an accolade for the database's innovative technological advancements achieved in 2022. Furthermore, it acts as an encouragement for AntDB's continued pursuit of further elevating database technology and leading the industry's development.

The future holds immense promise, and we firmly believe that AsiaInfo AntDB will deliver even more cutting-edge technologies and innovative services to the industry and its clients.