Multi-Happy Events Come One After Another! AsiaInfo Was Selected into Several Significant Lists of “2023 Beijing Top 100 Enterprises” Based on Its Strength

2023-12-05 AsiaInfo

Recently, the 2023 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Industrial Chain and Supply Chain Conference & Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Top 100 Enterprises and Beijing Top 100 Enterprises Summit Forum were held in Beijing. China Enterprise Confederation, China Enterprise Directors Association, Beijing Enterprise Confederation and others jointly released a series of lists about the “2023 Beijing Top 100 Enterprises” (covering central enterprises, state-owned enterprises, and private enterprises in various fields). AsiaInfo was selected into the “Beijing Top 100 Enterprises”, “Beijing High-grade, Precision, and Advanced Top 100 Enterprises”, “Beijing Top 100 Digital Economy Enterprises” and “Beijing Top 100 Enterprises in Service Industry” in 2023 with its leading product and service system, excellent business performance, and ever-improving innovation ability, and has ranked among the top.



 Filter the Top 100 Rankings to Lead Beijing Enterprises to Become Bigger, Better, and Stronger

The “Beijing Top 100 Enterprises” series lists aimed to put the “14th Five-Year Plan” into implementation, stimulate the vitality of enterprises, give play to the leading role of large enterprises, help Beijing enterprises become bigger, better, and stronger, and promote the high-quality development of the capital economy. The enterprises in the lists were selected from various industries and enterprises in Beijing according to a strict, rigorous, and comprehensive selection standard system, and the lists had strong impartiality and authority, setting a benchmark model for the industry.

Accumulate Digital Intelligence Kinetic Energy

Help the Functional Construction of the “Four Centers” of the Capital

At present, China's economy and society are in a critical stage of development from “quantity increase” to “qualitative change” and the stage of transformation from the old kinetic energy to the new one. As one of the areas with the strongest sci-tech foundation, the most concentrated innovation resources, and the most active innovation subjects in China, Beijing is constantly accelerating the pace of building an “international sci-tech innovation center”.

As a high-tech enterprise, AsiaInfo has always regarded independent innovation as the foundation of its career, continuously increased investment in research and development, optimized the three major product systems of “digital intelligence”, “cloud network” and “IT”, and provided basic tools for digital and intelligent transformation in communication, government affairs, energy sources, transportation, finance, postal services, etc.; What's more, guided by the concept of “ranking higher in both products and services”, AsiaInfo has continued to improve the end-to-end full-link support capabilities covering consulting services, product R&D, product delivery, system integration, intelligent decision-making, data operation, and customer services; In addition, AsiaInfo has continuously advanced the ecological construction of the industry chain, deeply participated in the industry standards establishment at home and abroad, and strengthened exchanges and cooperation focused on the “industry, teaching, research and application” topics with international and domestic standards organizations such as ITU, GSMA, TMF, and ETSI, as well as institutions and enterprises such as Tsinghua University and CAICT.

In the future, AsiaInfo will keep up with the trend of “industrial digitalization” and “digital industrialization”, anchor the main path of the integrative development of the digital economy and real economy, join hands with partners from all walks of life of industry-university-research to build an industrial ecology, and accumulate digital intelligence kinetic energy for promoting the economic and social transformation and development of the capital and the construction of “four centers” (national political center, cultural center, international exchange center, and international sci-tech innovation center).