AsiaInfo, CHN ENERGY HAINAN, and Hainan Mobile Work Together to Create Green Data Centers

2023-06-26 AsiaInfo

Recently, by AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc. (hereinafter referred to as AsiaInfo), CHN ENERGY HAINAN ELECTRIC POWER CO., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as CHN ENERGY HAINAN) and Hainan Mobile Communication Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as Hainan Mobile) jointly built Chengmai Old City data centers 1.55MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project officially started. Zhou Wu, general manager of the Solution Center of Hainan Mobile Customer Department, Wang Zhishun, deputy general manager of CHN ENERGY HAINAN and relevant responsible persons of AsiaInfo attended the opening ceremony.


Figure: Opening Ceremony

The project plans to install a distributed photovoltaic power station on the storage center of data centers and the roof of data center buildings in the old urban area of Hainan Mobile, with a total of 3165 550Wp monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and a total installed capacity of 1.55MWp, to build a new intelligent comprehensive energy system of “self-generation and self-use, with residual power on the grid”, providing clean and sustainable power supply for data center.

After the completion of the project, it is estimated that the average annual power generation will be 1.8928 million kilowatt hours. Compared with thermal power plants with the same amount of electricity, according to the coal (standard coal) consumption of 300 grams per kWh of thermal power, about 567.84 tons of standard coal can be saved annually, sulfur dioxide emissions can be reduced by about 42.89 tons, nitrogen oxide emissions can be reduced by about 21.30 tons and carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by about 1415.34 tons.

Digital Intelligence Technology, Building a Green and Low Carbon Digital Base

“It’s the first operator IDC intelligent, comprehensive energy project that Hainan Mobile actively responded to the national policy of ‘carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals’, and also an important practice for Hainan Mobile to promote the intelligent and green development of data centers.” Zhou Wu, general manager of the Customer Department Solution Center of Hainan Mobile, said, “with the joint efforts of the three parties, we look forward to building a comprehensive energy project with typical demonstration significance and a green and low-carbon digital base that promotes high-quality economic and social development.”

Wang Zhishun, deputy general manager of CHN ENERGY HAINAN, stated that “CHN ENERGY HAINAN will fully collaborate with its partners, rely on investment planning, construction, product, and other advantages to assist the implementation of projects, help the comprehensive energy system transformation of the provincial parks, and create benchmark cases, building a green and low-carbon energy system.”

The energy team of AsiaInfo expressed that “AsiaInfo will give full play to the advantages of leading products and services and comprehensively use 5G, AI, big data, and other digital intelligence technologies to efficiently empower the green and intelligent upgrading of data centers.”

AsiaInfo's “Intelligent Comprehensive Energy Solution” Boosts “Dual Carbon”, Cost Reduction, and Efficiency Enhancement

Based on a deep understanding of the business scenarios of the energy industry, AsiaInfo has launched intelligent and comprehensive energy solutions for data centers, households, base stations, buildings, parks, ports, transportation, county-wide photovoltaic and other scenarios covering the construction of comprehensive energy equipment information collection, perception, processing, and application, to provide energy monitoring, energy analysis, energy management and other energy applications, which helps enterprises to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs.

In the future, AsiaInfo will accelerate the deep integration of digital intelligence technology innovation achievements with all fields of economy and society, cooperate with industry partners to provide acceleration for the green development of economy and society, assist the green and digital intelligence development of the energy industry, promote the construction of a modern energy system and boost the high-quality achievement of the national “dual carbon” goal.