Congratulations to Dr. Ouyang Ye, CTO of AsiaInfo, on Being Elected IEEE Fellow

2022-11-23 AsiaInfo

On November 21, 2022, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) officially announced the list of new Fellows for 2023. Dr. Ouyang Ye, Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President of AsiaInfo, was included for his leadership in network intelligence and self-organizing cellular networks. Dr. Ouyang Ye is also one of the youngest IEEE Fellows in the intersection of network intelligence, communication and artificial intelligence in China.


IEEE is an international association of electronic technology and information science engineers and the largest non-profit professional technical association in the world. IEEE Fellowship is the highest honor for IEEE members. It is selected by IEEE peer experts every year among members with advanced or lifetime grades. The number of elected members does not exceed 0.1% of the total number of IEEE members in that year. Elected candidates should have made important contributions to the global progress and application of engineering, science, and technology, generating significant benefits for society.

IEEE Fellowship is recognized as an authoritative honor and important career achievement in the academic and technological circles, and the candidates are all outstanding scientists worldwide who have obtained major achievements in science and engineering technology.


Photo: Dr. Ouyang Ye

Dr. Ouyang Ye currently serves as the chief technology officer and senior vice president of AsiaInfo, a leading software product, solution and service company in China. AsiaInfo is also a "digital and intelligent full-stack capability provider". He is in charge of the company's R&D and innovation work. Before joining AsiaInfo, he was the manager of the communication artificial intelligence system department of Verizon Telecommunications Group, the largest mobile communication operator in the United States, and he was also a Verizon Fellow. Dr. Ouyang Ye is much experienced in R&D and large-scale team management in the ICT field. His research field focuses on R&D innovation and commercialization in the interdisciplinary fields of mobile communication, data science and artificial intelligence.

Dr. Ouyang Ye has won many industrial and academic honors and awards, including the 2022 CCF Science and Technology Progress Award, 2021 Wu Wenjun Science and Technology Progress Award, 2017 American Outstanding Asian Engineer Award, 2019 TMForum Telecommunications Industry Future Digital Leader Award , 2021 US National Diversified Technology Leadership Award, 2020 China Artificial Intelligence Business Leader Award, 2017 IEEE International Big Data Conference Best Paper Award, 2017 US Telecom Industry Innovation Award and Best OSS/BSS Product Award, 2017 Best North American Operator Big Data System Award, 2016 US Telecom Industry Innovation Award, 2015 IEEE Wireless Communication Annual Conference "Wireless Communication Interdisciplinary Contribution Award", OSTP Telecom Big Data Research Fund, etc. Dr. Ouyang Ye has worked in many international academic organizations, including IEEE and ETSI where he served as chairman of working groups and conferences. He also served as the chairman of the Beijing Software Association Artificial Intelligence Special Committee, career development mentor of Stevens Institute of Technology, and director of Tsinghua University-AsiaInfo 5G Intelligence Joint Laboratory. He also served as editorial board member and reviewer for several academic conferences and journals. Dr. Ouyang Ye has authored more than 40 academic papers, over 60 patents, more than 50 international standards, and 11 academic books. He holds a bachelor's degree from Southeast University, a master's degree from Columbia University, a master's degree from Tufts University, and a doctorate from Stevens Institute of Technology.