AISWare Insights·DMG CoPilot

AISWare Insights·DMG CoPilot aims to provide enterprises with data management and governance copilot based on industry-specific LLMs and knowledge bases with intelligent data services from development, governance, O&M, to Q&A. It is equipped with a high level of intelligence through human-machine interaction via natural language, with internal efficiency-boosting and intelligent transformation for the economy and society.

Product superiority

Product value


Simplify Data Development

  • Natural language completes requirement analysis, data modeling, and intelligent generation
  • Intelligent Implementation of Code Writing Scenarios for Automatic Code Generation

Minimize Data Governance Costs

  • Replacing manual operations with intelligent data governance processes
  • Natural language generation security rule configuration and sensitivity level setting, etc

Improve Data O&M Efficiency

  • Intelligent operation and maintenance instruction execution, operation and maintenance data statistics, and other scene generation
  • Intelligent completion of operation and maintenance abnormal diagnosis and repair of abnormal problems

Enhance Data Management Awareness

  • National data regulations, industry standards, and enterprise norms for intelligent Q&A
  • Quick understanding of platform operation guide through intelligent Q&A

Application scenario

Intelligent Data Development
  • Dialogue Modeling
  • Temporary Data Retrieval
  • Intelligent Orchestration
  • SQL Generation & Tuning
Intelligent Data Governance
  • Standard Generation & Mapping
  • Quality Rule Generation
  • Quality Anomaly Localization
  • Sensitive Data Identification
Intelligent Data O&M
  • Anomaly Diagnosis
  • Command Operation via Dialogue
  • Health Check
  • Task Delay Analysis
Intelligent Data Q&A
  • National Data Regulations
  • Industry Data Standards
  • Enterprise Data Specifications
  • Platform User Manuel

Customer success case

Data Management and Governance (DMG) CoPilot for a Provincial Telco

AsiaInfo Technologies provides intelligent data management and governance solution for a provincial telco with DMG CoPilot. Through deep learning and natural language processing, it intelligently generates, analyzes and optimizes SQL programs. With intelligent technologies such as quality rule generation and anomaly localization, it achieves real-time data quality monitoring and alerting. Furthermore, it implements intelligent data O&M to realize intelligent diagnosis of task errors and intelligent statistics of O&M data.

  • 37% Enhanced data development efficiency
  • 46% Enhanced quality management efficiency
  • 50% Reduced data O&M workload