AsiaInfo Selected into the “Computility Service Industry Map” of CAICT, with Series of Products Listed in the “Product Directory”

2024-08-06 Asiainfo

Recently, the 2024 Trusted Cloud Conference, hosted by the China Communications Standards Association and organized by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), was held grandly in Beijing. The conference unveiled research achievements such as the “Computility Service Industry Map (2024)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Industry Map”) and the “Computility Service Product Directory (2024)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Product Directory”). AsiaInfo, leveraging its comprehensive and outstanding “product + service” capabilities in the field of computility networks, was selected for inclusion in the Industry Map, with its self-developed series of computility network suite being featured in the Product Directory.


Figure: Conference Site

Map: Displaying the Ecosystem of Computility Service Industry   Directory: Presenting Benchmark Products in Computility


As one of the most authoritative events in China's cloud computing sector, the 2024 Trusted Cloud Conference aims to advance the improvement of the industrial ecosystem and support the high-quality development of hundreds of industries. Leveraging the Industry Map and Product Directory, the conference sets standards and exemplars for the industry.


Figure: AsiaInfo Was Selected into the Industry Map

The Industry Map brings together prior enterprises from upstream and downstream of the industry, comprehensively showcasing China's computility service industry ecosystem through seven dimensions: “Basic Services,” “Data Acceleration,” “Computility Connectivity,” “AI Integrated Scheduling,” “Transaction Operations,” “Computility Applications,” and “AI Empowerment.” The Product Directory lists the star products of enterprises and institutions, providing a significant direction for R&D units and an important reference for procurement requirements.


Figure: Certificate of Honor

AsiaInfo's “AI-integrated” Computility Network Suite Makes Computing Resources Accessible with Ease

Cloud computing, as a new type of infrastructure in the digital economy era, is indispensable in promoting the deep integration of cutting-edge technologies such as big data and AI with the real economy. “Computility” is a crucial factor influencing the development of cloud computing and even the digital economy.

As a significant contributor to China's cloud computing, computility networks, and cloud network integration, AsiaInfo focuses on the construction and application of “next-generation computility networks,” targeting three key areas: “computility network infrastructure, computility network brain, and computility network transaction and operations.” It has developed and launched a series of computility network suites, including the computility network operation and trading center, computility network orchestration center, computility network scheduling center, computility network intelligent engine, and computility network digital twins products.

These products integrate AsiaInfo's AI capabilities, enabling customers to connect scattered computing capabilities into a vast computility network for unified management and scheduling of computility and network resources, so that customers can access cloud, edge and end computing resources anytime and anywhere. Meanwhile, the sub-products can also be flexibly assembled to realize functions such as computility sensing, touch and reach, orchestration, and scheduling on demand.


Figure: AsiaInfo Has Been Awarded Outstanding Contribution Unit of Credible Computility Service Array

Currently, AsiaInfo's computility network suite products have been implemented in industries such as telecommunications. The company has also collaborated with communication operators, research institutions, and other partners to conduct special research on computility encapsulation, scheduling, grid connection, intent perception, computility trading, and multi-dimensional billing, advancing computility networks from “theoretical innovation” to “scientific practice.”