Winning a Bid in New Area! AsiaInfo + Yonyou Network Help a Guangxi Municipal Construction and Investment Group Excel in “Human Resources”

2024-06-14 AsiaInfo

AsiaInfo and its eco-partner, Yonyou Network, have recently won a contract to renovate a HR system for a municipal construction and investment group in Guangxi province. In the future, the two parties will collaborate to assist the client in breaking data barriers and connecting data islands into a digital HR system that unifies the entire group and facilitates cross-departmental data sharing.



Model Products 1 + 1: A Solution that Enables Clients to Excel in “Human Resources” While Reducing Costs and Increasing Efficiency

The municipal construction and investment group is a state-owned enterprise solely funded by the government, taking on the responsibility of urban construction, operation, and services in the city. Its business scope encompasses construction, transportation investment, commodity trading, real estate and cultural tourism development, mineral development, medicine, distribution logistics, and other fields. The company dominates over ten departments, offices, and centers and approximately fifty second-tier, third-tier, and fourth-tier subsidiary companies under its jurisdiction, resulting in a complex organizational structure with many employed staff.


The HR systems of various subsidiaries and branch companies were established at different times, resulting in the scattered data of employee information, salary data, performance records, and other information across multiple systems, often leading to data inconsistency and query obstacles. Furthermore, the outdated systems, complex processes, lengthy processing cycles, and reliance on a significant amount of paper documents and manual, repetitive work cannot meet the requirements of today’s fast-paced work environment, posing considerable challenges to the group’s centralized management and control of human resources. At the same time, the heterogeneous data with different structures which is categorized in different ways and needs unified standards, makes it difficult to transform itself into robust evidence to support business decisions.


To address these issues, AsiaInfo and Yonyou Network have developed a solution based on the joint product of the “AntDB + HRP.” AsiaInfo’s AntDB is a high-performance database that is highly compatible with the different HR systems of the client’s subsidiaries and branch companies, efficiently supporting cross-departmental employee information storage, query, and invocation while providing sufficient guarantees for data security. Meanwhile, Yonyou Network’s HRP offers clients professional and comprehensive human resource and salary management services.


Figure: Joint Product Format of AsiaInfo and Yonyou Network

Combining the two has gained powerful momentum, created an automated workflow for the client that runs through data storage, retrieval, invocation, and business processing, and ensured centralized management of the entire group’s human resources and consistency and accuracy of various data, significantly improving the work efficiency of HR staff and achieving “empowering employees, activating organizations, and infecting human resources with intelligence.” By breaking down data barriers between different departments and fully leveraging the value of data elements, it provides scientific evidence for decision-making and management at all levels and systematic support for the client’s strategy of “building a strong foundation with talents.”

Furthermore, the client can adapt various automated functional modules to their specific needs, such as recruitment management, onboarding and offboarding, personnel training, performance evaluation, personnel allocation, employee insights, and satisfaction surveys, helping to reduce costs and increase efficiency in HR management. The new system also provides report analysis and compliance audit assistance, supporting scientific management and reducing compliance risks for the company.


AsiaInfo + Yonyou Network: Dual Leadership in “Products and Services”


AsiaInfo and Yonyou Network have successfully won the bid, not only because their joint product can precisely match user needs but also because, through numerous project collaborations, they can provide customers with comprehensive and systematic service guarantees:

Complete product integration and a mature collaboration system: AsiaInfo and Yonyou Network have established a robust joint product and service system that delivers personalized solutions to the client.

Elastic scaling and flexible support for business module expansion: AntDB offers excellent performance. It enables flexible scaling of different business modules and provides robust data storage and utilization support for IT systems.

Unique preferential conditions are in place to reduce client costs: The two parties provide the client with “one-stop” procurement services based on their joint products, eliminating the need for the client to purchase products in batches while offering more significant discounts. In addition, AsiaInfo provides complimentary database migration services.

Extensive integration into the independent innovation ecosystem, with a proven track record of domestic transformation: AsiaInfo and Yonyou Network are leading domestic software companies with products that can be widely adapted to various domestic software and hardware. Both parties have carried out domestic IT system transformation projects in multiple industries based on their joint products, boasting rich practical experience, which is an essential guarantee for project success.


Figure: Part Partners of AsiaInfo’s AntDB

In recent years, municipal construction and investment group, tourism and investment group, communications investment group, and urban construction groups across the country have consistently increased their efforts to attract, cultivate, and utilize talents. Efficient HR and big data systems are powerful tools for enterprises to implement talent strategies and are also crucial levers for promoting transformation and seeking development through personnel management.