Another Step Forward! AsiaInfo and Gaocheng Technology Have Jointly Helped a City in Sichuan Province to Promote the Integrated Transportation System

2024-05-24 AsiaInfo

The trend of independent innovation with indigenous technology is spreading to all industries, including the transportation sector, which affects the national economy and people's livelihood.


Recently, AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “AsiaInfo”) and Beijing eHualu Gaocheng Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Gaocheng Technology”), a subsidiary of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (a large state-owned enterprise), have teamed up to help a city in Sichuan Province promote the independent construction of an integrated operation management platform for “global” transportation.


Data Elements × “Global” Transportation System = New Productivity in Transportation


The city's transportation operations management system is still a product of the Informationization Age 1.0 era, unable to meet the comprehensive urban transportation management needs in the reality of “integrated development of various transportation modes and increasingly frequent travel of the people”, and even more unable to transform the growing transportation big data into “essential” value that promotes the development of the industry and the region.


In response to the strategic requirement of “building a powerful transportation country”, Gaocheng Technology has actively promoted the digitalization and intelligence upgrading of the transportation industry. Relying on the construction of a global transportation brain, it simultaneously has strengthened the application of AI transportation big models to help transportation management departments improve work efficiency. In addition, it has helped break down data barriers among transportation operators, third-party platforms, industry management departments, and other entities, and promoted the integrated application of data from multiple sources, such as road infrastructure, traffic status monitoring, and public travel, improving the level and quality of intelligent transportation services.


AsiaInfo's AntDB and Gaocheng Technology's Transportation Operations Coordination Center (TOCC) platform have carried out product adaptation and deep integration and provided effective services such as multi-source heterogeneous data collection, processing, retrieval, and application support for the project. Both parties have achieved the integration and sharing of technical resources, providing precise analysis for comprehensive monitoring, prediction and early warning of traffic conditions in the city. At the same time, they have provided traffic information services to the public, conducted scheduling coordination in multiple transportation modes, and made the global traffic operation status visible, measurable, and controllable.


Figure: AntDB Core Transaction Database

The AntDB is an essential component of the localization upgrade of the “global” transportation integration platform, which will help “data elements x transportation” realize a significant multiplier effect.



Comprehensive Digital Intelligence Product System and Services Enable Vertical Industries to “Seek Growth from Data”


At present, AsiaInfo has formed a relatively comprehensive product systems of data intelligence represented by databases, data infrastructure platforms, data assets management platforms, data exploration and analysis platforms, data center operating systems, etc. Such systems can help customers in vertical industries to establish a closed-loop system for data discovery, processing, and application, unlock data value, and achieve sustainable growth.


Among them, AntDB is a scalable, multi-tenant, highly available, high-performance, low-cost, secure, reliable and domestic database product launched by AsiaInfo. It has a leading “hyper-converged” architecture and efficient cross business data fusion processing capabilities, capable of handling millions of transactions per second at peak times, and has been widely used in transportation, communications, finance, energy sources, and other industries.


Figure: AntDB Can Be Deployed Modularly on Demand


The AntDB team of AsiaInfo adheres to the principle of “technology empowerment and ecology co-prosperity”, continuously expanding its scope of cooperation and developing their service ecosystem, providing government and enterprise customers with various product forms and personalized service solutions that can flexibly meet different budget requirements and help customers to efficiently promote digital intelligence transformation.