Global 6G Conference: The Voice of AsiaInfo!

2024-05-08 AsiaInfo

Recently, the 2024 Global 6G Conference, under the guidance of the National 6G Technology R&D Promotion Working Group and organized by the FuTURE MOBILE COMMUNICATION FORUM and the Purple Mountain Laboratories, was held in Nanjing. Xia Xinmin, the Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province, and Deng Zhiyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, were in attendance at the conference and delivered speeches. The conference brought together top experts from domestic and international institutions, including academicians of CAS and CAE, as well as experts from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and other countries. Dr. Ye Xiaozhou, Chief Scientist of AsiaInfo, was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the conference titled “6G OSS System Architecture and Key Technologies”.


Figure 1: 2024 Global 6G Conference


AsiaInfo Presents: 5 Major Visions and 12 Key Technologies for 6G OSS

AsiaInfo has proposed five major visions and 12 key technologies for 6G OSS and aimed to promote industry technology exploration and product research and development, based on OSS research, construction, and operation and maintenance practices in the 5G era, as well as an analysis of the current status of 6G technology and the development of OSS standardization work.


 Figure 2: Dr. Ye Xiaozhou Delivering a Keynote Speech


Five Key Visions


Achieve transformation from network monolith/single-domain to air-space-ground and symbiotic-sensing-computing integration management. 

Achieve extension from network intelligence management to network automation, intelligence, and digital-twin management. 

Evolve from 5G autonomous network L5 level to 6G OSS ready. 

Integrate “environmental, social, and governance (ESG)” into the 6G OSS capability system. 

Construct a secure and reliable 6G OSS system. 


Twelve Potential Key Technologies


6G OSS air-space-ground integrated network orchestration 

6G OSS support for 6G full-stack SBA servitization 

6G OSS endogenous safety and security 

6G OSS support for 6G new wireless technology 

6G OSS data-based governance 

6G OSS distributed autonomy and collaboration based on air-space-ground and symbiotic-sensing integration 

6G computing power endogenous network management 

6G OSS ESG application 

6G OSS capability openness 

6G OSS super automation 

6G digital-twin network 

6G OSS endogenous AI 

Dr. Ye Xiaozhou stated that the 6G OSS system architecture developed by AsiaInfo will be provided with comprehensive functions covering the full life circle of the communication core network, which will provide traditional communication OSS systems with three major management functions: “intent-driven management, data management, and secure and trusted management,” as well as three core closed-loop capabilities: automation, intelligence, and digital twins.


At present, the international standardization organization 3GPP has officially determined the development route for 6G standards and will launch 6G standardization work in the second half of this year. With the goal of commercializing 6G networks by 2030, AsiaInfo is willing to join hands with partners from all walks of life in industry-education-research-application fields to promote the evolution of 6G OSS.