​Good News! AsiaInfo's AntDB Was Awarded Gartner's “Representative DBMS Vendors in China”

2023-08-22 AsiaInfo

Recently, Gartner, an internationally renowned ICT research and consulting institution, released the 2023 Market Guide for DBMS, China (Database Management System, DBMS for short) in 2023, which systematically investigated Chinese DBMS vendors from the dimensions of market share, technological innovation, and R&D investment, showing the current development situation of China's database market. It has a guiding significance for the R&D innovation of database manufacturers and procurement of demanders. AsiaInfo has been selected into this report for two consecutive years based on its self-developed AISWare AntDB, and has been appraised as one of the “Representative DBMS Vendors” in China.


Figure: China DBMS Market Guide in 2023 (from Gartner) 

AsiaInfo's AntDB  Continuous and Iterative “Carrier-Grade” Core Transaction Database

It is reported that the market size of DBMS in China in 2022 was about 6.3 billion yuan, and domestic vendors accounted for 50.1% of the market share, accounting for more than half for the first time. Gartner believed that the general trend of digital transformation and related policy guidance brought growth opportunities to domestic DBMS. However, only with mature and stable technical capabilities, comprehensive and systematic service advantages and wide and flexible compatible ecology can we build competitive advantages.


Figure from Gartner

AntDB is an important part of AsiaInfo's leading service capability of digital intelligence. AsiaInfo started pre-research, business layout, and talent reserve of database products as early as the beginning of the century. Now, after fifteen years of core business, AntDB has formed a database product system of “hyper-converged integrated streaming real-time warehouse” with high availability, high performance and full functions, which is able to cooperate with four major communication operators to provide online services for 1 billion terminal users in 24 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country. AsiaInfo was successfully elected as the deputy head unit of the Telecom Industry Working Group of the Database Application Innovation Laboratory (DBL) by virtue of its deep accumulation of database core technology and years of industry contributions.

In terms of product research, development, and application, AsiaInfo's AntDB, as a general enterprise-level distributed database, is at the leading level in China as a whole and won the “Individual Award for Technological Innovation” of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and its solutions won the “Outstanding Contribution Award for Financial Technology Application Innovation”. AntDB supports standard SQL syntax and meets the Five Nines of security guarantees at the highest level of SLA. At present, AntDB has been widely used in communication, finance, transportation, energy sources, IoT, and other fields.

Hyper-converged in common use? or modular application?

With the deepening of enterprises' digital and intelligent transformation, the complexity of business applications and the diversity of data are increasing. AsiaInfo's AntDB supports centralized, distributed, cloud-based, and non-cloud-based deployment and can handle various types of data such as transactional, analytical, streaming, and time series data. AntDB adopts hyper-converged architecture, which can process millions of communication core transactions per second, and has the characteristics of high performance, elastic scalability, and high reliability.

AntDB provides the overall framework of memory computing, transactions, analysis, stream processing, and time series analysis capabilities, which means that one database can meet multiple business needs of a large-scale business group. Meanwhile, it can also be split into multiple modules according to the actual demands to realize better flexibility and scalability.

Five capabilities of AntDB:

AntDB-T: Transactional capability - supports transactions, data marts, and lightweight reports, including the replacement of traditional databases and new incremental businesses.

AntDB-M: Memory computing capability - supports high-frequency trading and scenario queries, designed in pluggable kernel-level embedded modules, and can optimize execution efficiency quickly.

AntDB-A: Analysis capability - oriented to massive structured data analysis scenarios, capable of traditional date warehouse replacement, supports cloud-native architecture, logical data warehouse mechanism, and column store.

AntDB-S: Stream processing capability - enables real-time reports + asynchronous transactions, supports statistical analysis of data flows and association of flow tables.

AntDB-TS: Time series capability - supports high-throughput writing, query, and analysis of time series data, and is suitable for power, energy sources, smart city, smart transportation, industry, and other fields.