2023 WAIC | AsiaInfo, Tsinghua AIR, and Intel Successfully Held Forum on “6G Intelligent Network and Computing”

2023-07-10 AsiaInfo

On July 6, during the 2023 WAIC (World Artificial Intelligence Conference), the “6G Intelligent Network and Computing Forum” jointly sponsored by AsiaInfo Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as AsiaInfo), Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University (hereinafter referred to as Tsinghua AIR) and Intel (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Intel) was held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center. Experts and delegates from International Telecommunication Union, communication operators, research institutes, and leading enterprises gathered together to discuss the technology implementation paths, application prospects, and industrial cooperation around collaborative innovation of telecommunication, computing, and artificial intelligence. 

6G+AI Supports the Digital, Intelligent, and Green Transformation of the Economy and Society 

Zhang Yaqin, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, endowed professor of Tsinghua University, and president of the Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR), Gao Nianshu, CEO and Executive Director of AsiaInfo, John Healy, vice president of Intel and general manager of customer ecology in Network and Edge Division, and George Glass, CTO of TMForum delivered speeches respectively. 


Figure: Academician Zhang Yaqin Was Delivering A Speech 

Academician Zhang Yaqin stated in his speech that under the background of the national “double carbon” strategy (carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals), the “intelligent and green” computing power is not only the trend of building new IT infrastructure, but also brings challenges. With the release of emerging AI products such as ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence industry and even the whole society will be influenced by AIGC big model. In the future, the big model may be developed into a new generation of AI operating system, behind which its bottom layer needs to be supported by a high-speed communication network and a huge green intelligent computing system. Zhang Yaqin also introduced the work plan of the Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University (AIR) in AI and 6G fields and highlighted that AIR will join hands with more partners to jointly carry out research and development of a new generation of communication and green and intelligent computing technologies. 


Figure: Gao Nianshu Was Delivering A Speech 

Gao Nianshu stated that, as the next generation of comprehensive intelligent digital infrastructure, the 6G is equipped with features such as “wide connection in Internet, universal welfare in intelligence, extensive coverage in the network, green and low-carbon concepts, etc.” and will make a great step in communication capabilities of “ air-space-ground integration and sensing-computing-communication integration”. At present, the digital infrastructure represented by intelligent computing power networks is being integrated into the application scenarios of hundreds of industries, and the prospective 6G communication network will be more stereoscopic and intelligent, fully supporting the digital, intelligent, and green transformation of the economy and society. AsiaInfo is willing to join hands with forces from all walks of life to jointly paint and promote the construction of new digital infrastructure represented by 6G intelligent networks and computing, jointly promote the integration and innovation with key technologies in digital space and help China's digital economy develop in full flourish. 


Figure: John Healy Was Delivering A Speech 

From the perspective of global ICT enterprises, John Healy has shared Intel's practical works and prospective ideas in the research and development of new communication technologies, scenario exploration, and cooperation with global partners to empower the development of the digital economy. 


Figure: George Glass Was Delivering A Speech 

From where international organizations stand, George Glass has emphasized the importance of global technological innovation and collaboration to industrial development and affirmed the contribution made by AsiaInfo in promoting industry innovation and standard setting. 

Profound Insights, Not to Be Missed 

Frontier Exploration from Communication Operators and Universities 

In the keynote speech session, Huang Yuhong, President of China Mobile Research Institute, Li Anmin, Vice President of China Telecom Research Institute, Shang Yiduo, Vice President of China Unicom Software Research Institute, and Liu Yunxin, Chief Researcher and Professor for Powerful Nation of Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University, have shared the most cutting-edge ICT industry insights, technological innovation achievements, business application practices, and future industry prospects from the perspectives of communication operators and higher research institutes respectively. 


Figure: Speech Session with Dean Huang Yuhong, Vice President Li Anmin, Vice President Shang Yiduo, and Professor Liu Yunxin 

Huang Yuhong stated in the keynote speech “Discussion on 6G Full-Service Architecture Oriented to Endogenous Intelligence” that platformization, servitization and intelligentization will promote the transformation of network from communication service to information service, and break through the “impossible triangle” of high performance, diversity and low cost. During the period of 6G, the platform-based service network will be presented as a full-service architecture oriented to endogenous intelligence, that is, on the basis of 5G architecture, to, expand the service field, deepen the service mechanism, and expand the service elements to access the networks and terminals from communication services to all-factor services such as control, users, data, computing, intelligence and security, so as to realize the deep integration of communication and intelligent elements, and assist in the two-way drive that AI empowers networks and vice versa. China Mobile has achieved periodical achievements in the full-service architecture and will join hands with various industries to continuously promote the evolution of the full-service network oriented to endogenous intelligence. 

Li Anmin set forth the new requirements of new infrastructure construction in the metaverse era and said that in the 6G era, the simplest network and cloud network integration has unique advantages and will become an irreversible trend. What's more, Li Anmin appealed to the whole industry to look on new scenarios and demands such as big model and metaverse, increase the strength of expanding intelligent simplified network architecture to the edge of the network with the cloud network integration, and lay the foundation for realizing the vision of 6G VR synaesthesia and all-region intelligent connection. 

Shang Yiduo shared in his speech the national requirements for China Unicom to firmly implement the cyber power, digital China, and smart society, the comprehensive upgrading of the company's strategy, and the courage to become the leading force in the construction of digital China. He also discussed the construction and artificial intelligence practice of China Unicom's four high-quality networks, namely 5G, gigabit broadband, government and enterprise, and computing power. He explored the development prospect of 6G network and artificial intelligence big model. 

Liu Yun delivered a new keynote speech, “Intelligent Computing for 'Double Carbon'”, in which he believes that “Double Carbon” is an inevitable choice for sustainable development and a great opportunity for structural adjustment of industry and social development. Artificial intelligence technology will play an important role in conducting “Double Carbon”. He also introduced Tsinghua AIR's active exploration in promoting AIoT technological innovation, building a green intelligent computing platform, and “carbon neutrality” in conjunction with industry partners. 

The Round Table Forum Creates TelcoGPT in the Communication Industry and Empowers Industry Value Growth 

In the round table discussion, Dr. Ouyang Ye, CTO and senior vice president of AsiaInfo, and IEEE Fellow, and expert delegates from China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, Tsinghua AIR, and Intel discussed GPT empowering the application of the communication industry and building an exclusive big model of communication industry. 


Figure: Round Table Discussion 

Experts believe that AI, as a revolutionary technology and the key strength to promote economic and social development, is about to come to the critical point of large-scale industrial application and will surely develop great breakthroughs for all kinds of industries worldwide. As the frontier field of new technology research and development, the communication industry provides an all-weather testing ground for AI technology application. “Building an exclusive AI big model for the communication industry” is the question that practitioners in communication industry must think about and answer. Dr. Ouyang Ye stated that the extensive cooperation between AsiaInfo and other sci-tech enterprises, and the four primary communication operators, research institutes, and industry organizations has provided more possibilities for R&D innovation and rapid application of industry-specific AI technologies. 

First Release around the World 

White Paper on 6G OSS/BSS and AIGC Empowering Communication Industry 

During the forum, AsiaInfo, together with Tsinghua AIR, Intel, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Broadcast Network, jointly released the world's first White Paper on 6G OSS Technology, White Paper on 6G BSS Technology and White Paper 2.0 on AIGC (GPT) Empowering Communication Industry Application. For the first time, it put forward prospective and in-depth solutions to the overall vision of 6G OSS and BSS, potential key technologies, functional architectures, and how GPT empowers the communication industry.



Figure: White Paper Release 

Products of Edge Intelligence, 5G Private Networks, and Computing Power Endogenous Network Were Grandly Released 

In addition, the forum has also officially released the latest iterative software and hardware integrated products of edge intelligence, 5G private networks, and computing power endogenous network developed by AsiaInfo. 


Figure: AsiaInfo's Digital Robot Released Three Products 

“Edge Intelligence” products deploy the rich and powerful AI capabilities of AsiaInfo to edge application scenarios in a lightweight approach. The products have various forms and specifications, and are suitable for many industries such as security, energy sources, and communication. 

“5G Private Network” products include four core products: 5G private network base station, 5G private network core network, 5G MEC, and 5G private network operation platform. This product system has passed the network access test of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and obtained the network access license, and has been launched and applied in communication, energy sources and other industries. 

On the premise of not changing the basic functions and architecture of the network, products of “Computing Power Endogenous Network” have realized the endogenous computing power and “symbiotic computing and communications” by enhancing the functions of 5G BBU and 5G MEC, so as to help communication operators to conduct “subtraction on investment, multiplication on resources, and addition on capability”.