Conduct Empowerment with Digital Intelligence! AsiaInfo Will Re-construct Shanghai Telecom Core System with Digital Intelligence

2023-06-19 AsiaInfo

Recently, with mature products, solutions, and rich experience in the communication industry services, AsiaInfo successfully won the bid for the reconstruction project of Shanghai Telecom's billing core system, with a project amount of tens of millions. In future construction, AsiaInfo will adopt an advanced system architecture that integrates advanced technologies such as AI and big data and work with Shanghai Telecom to create a brand-new “smart billing system”, which will help Shanghai Telecom build a new generation of cloud network business operation system and provide significant momentum for economic and social digital transformation and upgrading.

In recent years, with the continuous development of digital transformation of hundreds of industries, Shanghai Telecom has actively implemented the Group's strategy of “revolution with cloud network and transformation with digital intelligence”, accelerated the construction of digital information infrastructure with cloud network integration as its core feature, and advanced the deep integration of digital economy and the real economy. As one of the core systems of communication operators, the billing system also needs to adapt to new business requirements in time and provide more efficient, accurate, and reliable billing services. 

The re-constructed Shanghai Telecom billing system will fully support the cloud network services and internationalization that has the characteristics of “wide range of supporting business, complete billing mode, high intelligence, faster computing speed, more accurate calculation accuracy, flexible technical architecture, more stable system operation, and safer billing information”. At the same time, through AI intelligence enlightenment, big data empowerment, the introduction of leading technologies such as knowledge maps and disaster recovery security, intelligent operation and maintenance of billing system can be realized, which strongly supports the development of new services of Shanghai Telecom.

Digital Intelligence Technology Creates A “Smart” Billing System

After the new billing system is launched, it will provide operational support capabilities covering the whole scenarios, services, and processes, including three highlights:

  1. Digital Intelligence Technology Improves Operational Efficiency. The new billing system adopts advanced technical architecture, which meets the L3 cloud requirements and will realize automatic operation and maintenance, autonomous operation, automatic test, and scenario-based audit to greatly improve billing efficiency, accuracy, and operational efficiency. On the one hand, it improves employees' working efficiency and reduces labor costs; On the other hand, it also improves the loading efficiency of manufactured and sold products and can provide customers with better services.

  2. Performance Breakthroughs Optimize User Experience. The new billing system provides users with more timely billing, services, and other information through daily account, instant recharging and continuing services, and a unified billing mode for pre-users to improve users' satisfaction and loyalty.

  3. Revitalize data assets and enhance data value. The new billing system can realize digital management and intelligent analysis, provide more comprehensive data services for Shanghai Telecom, and accelerate its digital transformation.

AsiaInfo has 30 years of successful practical experience in the billing field of communication operators. Taking China Telecom as an example, AsiaInfo has undertaken the billing system construction of China Telecom, China Telecom Global, and 16 provinces in China, including Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hubei, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hainan, Qinghai, Hebei, Shandong and Henan. Winning the bid this time is another important practice of AsiaInfo in the core system construction of communication operators.

Wang Zhuyong, Vice President of AsiaInfo, said that AsiaInfo would support customer business system upgrading and experience optimization with a lofty sense of responsibility and rigorous “artisan spirit” relying on leading technology, product, and service advantages in accordance with customer demands, and provide powerful “digital intelligence” driving force for the high-quality development of Shanghai Telecom.