New breakthrough! AsiaInfo will join hands with China Railway Signal & Communication Corp and China Railway First Group Co., Ltd. to create the largest intelligent hub of high-speed rail in Southwest China

2023-06-09 AsiaInfo

A few days ago, the start-up meeting of the intelligent hub project supporting the comprehensive transportation hub project of Chongqingdong Railway Station was successfully held in Chongqing. Chongqing Railway Investment Group signed the project construction contract with China Railway Signal& Communication Corp, China Railway First Group Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. and AsiaInfo consortium on the spot, indicating that the construction of Chongqingdong Railway Station has entered a new stage. AsiaInfo will join hands with partners to jointly build this largest high-speed rail smart hub in Southwest China. Wang Qinlin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Chongqing Railway Investment Group, Ma Juntao, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager, Liu Jiaxin, deputy general manager of China Railway Signal& Communication Corp, He Jian, party committee secretary of China Railway First Group Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and Liu Chengkun, vice president of AsiaInfo attended the meeting and the signing ceremony. 


Figure: On-site signing

Based on digital intelligence technology

To Create a Transportation Complex with Temperature, Thinking and Interaction

Chongqingdong Railway Station is one of the largest high-speed rail hubs with the integration of station, city and scenery under construction. it is an important node of Chongqing "*-shaped" high-speed rail network and China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed rail network. it is also a national "traffic power" pilot project. According to the overall construction requirements of the "1361 Plan" in Digital Chongqing, the "Intelligent Hub Project" of Chongqingdong Railway Station Comprehensive Transportation Hub Project will be based on railway hub supporting and comprehensive development, urban track, bus hub station, long-distance bus station and other projects. the architecture of "four horizontal, two vertical and three flat platforms" is set up, and 17 subsystems and 128 intelligent application functions are designed. 


Figure: Effect drawing of Chongqingdong railway station 

To this end, AsiaInfo, together with General signal Engineering Bureau Group and China Railway first Bureau Group Telecommunications Engineering Company, will rely on AsiaInfo's complete R & D system, high-quality delivery capacity and digital management and control mechanism, under the design concept of "station-city integration", build a unified "hub intelligence" command center based on the capabilities of AsiaInfo data center and AI middle of fice, and rely on artificial intelligence based on the PaaS platform of AsiaInfo. We will achieve the overall application effect of "comprehensive perception of one network, a figure of middle-office twins of Chongqingdong Station, sharing of several capabilities, and unified command of one screen", and realize the full coverage of multi-domain intelligent services in the intelligent hub of Chongqingdong Railway Station. 

The AI big model of AsiaInfo will help the station to achieve social and transport order monitoring, anti-terrorism and riot prevention, passenger flow analysis, fire early warning and other scenarios; Digital twins technology will realize the virtual and real combination of virtual and real Chongqingdong Railway Station, and provide passengers with VR navigation assistance in the station; AntDB, a domestic database of AsiaInfo, fully ensures the data security of Chongqingdong Railway Station; The 5G private network software and hardware integration product will provide efficient communication services both inside and outside the station; Based on the basic data base, it realizes the unified pull and sharing of the running data and all kinds of social data in the station, so as to integrate the intelligence into the main applications such as operation and scheduling, collaborative management, integrated services and so on. 

After the completion of the system, Chongqingdong Railway Station will become a comprehensive hub of intelligent high-speed rail with "warmth, thoughts and interaction", realizing humanized passenger service, intelligent operation and management, and industrialization of logistics support. At the same time, ensure the intensity of safety prevention, the depth of analysis and judgment, and the speed of emergency response.


A "TOD" Comprehensive Hub for Railway Station and City Integration 

To Form a High-Output High-Speed Rail Economic Industrial Cluster 

Chongqingdong Railway Station is not only a high-speed railway station, its competent departments and construction units comprehensively implement the "TOD" development concept (that is, public transport-oriented development model) from planning to construction, and will build Chongqingdong Railway Station into a "station-city integration" integrated hub new city, which integrates transportation, commercial, cultural, office, residential and other functions. In the future, based on the flexible development plan of TOD, Chongqingdong Railway Station will aim at the four major directions of "portal business and trade", "scientific and technological innovation and research and development", "boutique characteristic exhibition" and "urban tourism service", and form a high-speed rail economic industrial cluster with an output value of more than 20 billion yuan. 

Building a Monument Project to Serve the National Economy and People's Livelihood

Assisting in the Vigorous Development of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle

Wang Qinlin, party committee secretary and chairman of Chongqing Railway Investment Group, said that the municipal party committee and municipal government attach great importance to the intelligent hub construction of digital Chongqing and Chongqingdong Railway Station, with high strategic positioning and high construction requirements. All participating units should fully implement the digital China strategy and lead the comprehensive deepening reform with digital change in accordance with the municipal party committee and municipal government's proposal. "With digital help to empower the construction of modern new Chongqing", high standards and high starting point will promote the construction of wisdom hub, and build Chongqingdong Railway Station wisdom hub into a "domestic leading, international first-class" boutique project. 

Liu Chengkun, vice president of AsiaInfo, said that AsiaInfo will work with partners to give full play to the advantages of digital intelligence products and services in accordance with the requirements of Chongqing Railway Investment Group with a lofty sense of mission and responsibility. Chongqingdong Railway Station will be built into an intelligent hub connecting Chongqing-Changsha high-speed railway, high-speed railway along the Yangtze River, Chongqing-Wanzhou high-speed railway, Chongqing-Lichuan railway, Chongqing-Kunming high-speed railway and Chongqing stations. It will strongly support Chongqing's role as the connecting point between the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the Yangtze River economic belt, and provide a new development engine for Chongqing and even the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle.