AsiaInfo's AntDB Won the Excellent Information Innovation Solution Award of CEPREI Selected

2023-06-01 AsiaInfo

Recently, the China CEPREI Information Innovation Ecological Partner Conference and the awarding ceremony of CEPREI Selected Information Innovation Excellent Solutions hosted by the CEPREI was successfully held in Beijing. The "migration and transformation of core database of business support system", AntDB information innovation solution of AsiaInfo, stood out from over a thousand cases and won the excellent information innovation solution award of CEPREI Selected.


Figure 1: AntDB Won the Excellent Information Innovation Solution Award of CEPREI Selected

The Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry of China (CEPREI), is a national testing and certification unit for the quality and reliability of electronic products and systems, and also the first professional certification institution after the establishment of the national certification system. Acceptance of the AsiaInfo's AntDB in this award is a recognition of the 15 years industry experience accumulation of AntDB, as well as a recognition of the industry exemplary function, technological innovation, and application promotion value of the solution. 

Industry Exemplary Function of AntDB's Information Innovation Solutions

As a domestically developed database with its fully self-developed inner core, AntDB, with more than ten years of accumulation in the communication industry, has been the first to assist Shanghai Mobile in completing the upgrade and transformation of the database system. After introducing AntDB products into the core scenarios of the business operation support system, the cost has been saved over 50%, interface response speed on the business side has been improved by nearly 30%, and business efficiency has been improved by 35%, which has played an advanced demonstration role within China Mobile, trained talents and accumulated experience for the database system upgrading and transformation of more provinces. 

At the same time, AntDB has also helped YunNan Highway to take the lead in completing the cost reduction and efficiency improvement as well as upgrade and transformation of the transportation clearing and settlement system, became a benchmark model for the transformation and upgrading of IT system in the transportation industry, which has greatly enhanced the confidence of the transportation industry in cost reduction and efficiency improvement as well as upgrade and transformation. 

Advanced Technology of AntDB's Information Innovation Solutions

From the perspective of technology, AntDB of AsiaInfo has been at the forefront of technology since its birth - in the early 21st century. Because the foreign brand databases cannot meet the rare global communication business needs of China, AsiaInfo was "ordered in the face of crisis" and invested in the research and development of AntDB 1.0 MMDB. After multiple rounds of testing in the production environment, it was applied in the core system of communication operators in 2008. 


Figure 2: Evolution Course of AntDB

With the development of China's communication technology from 2G to 5G, AntDB has always been standing in the future scene to carry out iterative upgrading of technology - from MMDB to RDBMS with high availability and full-function, to full-stack databases compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle, further to distributed and multi-mode native databases, and to the current version 7.2 of the hyper-converged streaming real-time warehouse. It can be said that every step is at the forefront of technology. Because it is closest to the development of China's communication technology, it can deeply perceive and foresee the scene changes brought about by technological progress and can truly stand in the future scene for the evolution and upgrading of product technology and services. 

Ecological Construction will Assist in Rapid Promotion of AntDB's Information Innovation Solutions

From the perspective of ecological construction, AntDB is actively engaged in the adaptation and compatibility of information innovation ecological chain. Currently, it has supported many domestic chips and operating systems, achieving a comprehensive docking with the domestic CPU architectures such as Phytium, LoongArch, Kunpeng and HYGON and the domestic operating systems such as UnionTech, NeoKylin, openKylin and openEuler. 

The leading and forward-looking technology is the foundation and core competitiveness of AntDB, while the ecological construction of products is an accelerator of AntDB business development and an amplifier of brand influence. Only with the help of ecological partners and channel sales can we better promote the excellent AntDB solutions to more industries and also better assume the responsibility and mission of AsiaInfo information technology application and innovation. 

About AntDB

Established in 2008, AsiaInfo's AntDB provides online services to more than 1 billion users in 24 provinces across the country based on the core systems of service providers. It has product features such as high performance, elastic expansion, and high reliability. It can handle millions of core communications transactions per second at peak values, ensuring the continuous and stable operation of the system for nearly a decade, and has been successfully commercialized in industries such as communications, finance, transportation, energy, and the IoT.