AsiaInfo Huoyun, A Subsidiary of AsiaInfo, Released the Map of "1+4+6" Products and Solutions in the Logistics Industry

2023-06-02 AsiaInfo

In December 2022, the General Office of the State Council issued the 14th five-year Plan for the Development of Modern Logistics, which requires to speed up the construction of a modern logistics system and focus on improving quality, increasing efficiency and reducing costs so as to provide strong support for the construction of a new development pattern of "double cycle". Today, AsiaInfo with its subsidiary Yaxin Huoyun (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd (abbreviated: Yaxinhuoyun) officially released the Logistics Industry products and Solutions Map. The atlas organically combines the digital intelligence products of AsiaInfo with the industry capabilities of AsiaInfo Freight Cloud to form a "1+4" (universal capability products + industry products) product system, providing solutions and related services to six major industries, empowering the digital and intelligent transformation of the logistics industry. 


Figure: Map of products and solutions in logistics industry 

"1" Universal Capacity Product Base 

The "universal capability layer" in the map is composed of the "IT" product system and the "digital intelligence" product system independently developed by AsiaInfo, including blockchain, database, digital twins &GIS, data center operating system (DataOS), AI, privacy computing, and other products. 

Among them, blockchain products: rely on trusted blockchain and lifecycle trust computing capabilities to realize the trust construction of "intra-enterprise, inter-enterprise and individual customers" scenarios. 

Database products: are based on AsiaInfo Telecom-level "hyper-converged, streaming real-time warehouse" AntDB database, providing basic support for customer data processing, analysis, value mining and so on. 

Digital twins & GIS products: rely on digital twins, GIS platform and other products to create digital virtual and interactive scenes in the real world, and achieve panoramic vision, everything intelligence, intelligent simulation and other capabilities. 

Knowledge map products: help customers refine knowledge, empower business, and improve operational efficiency and intelligent decision-making level. 

Data center operating system (Data OS): for data integration, processing, governance, security, sharing, etc., to provide data life cycle "butler" services to help enterprises to data-driven business innovation. 

AI products: provide customers with flexible, fast, flexible, rich, and out of the box AI smart services through lightweight and assemblable methods. 

Privacy computing products: use technologies and products such as federated learning, secure multi-party computation, blockchain, etc., to help government and enterprise customers achieve cross-industry, "available and invisible" data fusion without leaving the warehouse, and promote the trusted flow and sharing of data. 

"4" Exclusive Platforms for Logistics Industry 

Yaxinhuoyun gathers logistics data such as railways, highways, aviation and ports, and on the basis of "trusted logistics data circulation platform", derives three front-end application platforms: "multimodal logistics tracking platform", "logistics one-order transaction platform" and "logistics financial service platform" to provide customers in the logistics industry with exclusive products and services, including data visualization, transportation capacity matching and financial risk control. 


Figure: General product system for logistics of Yaxinhuoyun

"6" Major Industry Solutions 

Relying on the above products and related services, Yaxinhuoyun helps customers in the areas of iron and steel, coal, logistics park, power, port and aviation to improve operational efficiency and security level, reduce production costs, and win wide recognition from customers. 

Big data analysis solutions for logistics in the iron and steel industry: help steel manufacturers, traders and logistics service providers improve their digital level through bulk logistics data integration, processing, analysis, visualization, and relying on products and services such as logistics tracking management. 

Coal sales and safe transportation solutions: use IoT, big data, cloud computing, AI, blockchain and other technologies to provide supply chain system construction, intelligent security solutions and other services for coal production, trade, logistics and other enterprises. 

The digital one-order solution of the logistics park: relies on big data, IoT, cloud computing, digital twins and other technologies to help the park, logistics enterprises and production enterprises to improve operation and operation efficiency, shorten logistics time and open up the market. 

The power safety production solution: uses the IoT, big data, cloud computing and other technologies to provide power planning, operation, supervision and other services for power enterprises and government departments, helping to improve the business efficiency and security level of the power system, improve the power trading environment, and optimize energy efficiency. 

Port intelligent operation solutions: provide logistics information services, including ship dynamics, arrival reminders, port planning, loading and unloading progress to help shippers and logistics companies reduce costs and improve efficiency. 

The air cargo transportation data solution: provides air cargo security check and tracking services for e-commerce, medicine, electronic equipment and other customers to ensure the safety and legality of cargo transportation; assist shippers, logistics companies and recipients to know the transportation and arrival time of goods in real time and improve the controllability and transparency of freight transportation. 

In the future, Yaxinhuoyun will continue to pay attention to the development tendency of the logistics industry and customer needs, keep on iterating the product and solution system, and help the logistics industry to transform and upgrade, reduce costs and increase efficiency.