Beijing Energy Holding Co., Ltd. and Its Delegation Visited and Exchanged Ideas with AsiaInfo

2023-04-26 AsiaInfo

On the afternoon of April 24th, Jiang Fan, Chairman and Party Secretary of Beijing Energy Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Powerbeijing”), and other members of the Party Committee Center, accompanied by Jiang Aina, General Manager of Zpark, visited and exchanged ideas at AsiaInfo Innovation Exhibition Center. Gao Nianshu, CEO and Executive Director of AsiaInfo, and Chen Haixia, Vice President of AsiaInfo, accompanied the exchange. 

At the AsiaInfo Innovation Exhibition Center, Jiang Fan and his delegation visited AsiaInfo's innovative practices in cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, AI, big data, and digital twins, as well as its achievements in digital operations, smart city, smart energy, and information innovation. They also listened in details to the introduction of the implementation cases of AsiaInfo's Sci-Tech Energy Division in areas such as power wireless private networks and distributed photovoltaics. 


Figure: Exhibition Hall Visit 

Powerbeijing has been founded in 2004, formed by the merger of the former Beijing International Power Development & Investment Corporation and the former Beijing Comprehensive Investment Company. In 2011 and 2014, it merged and restructured with Beijing District Heating Group Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jingmei Group Co., Ltd., achieving the integration and complementarity of the industry chain. After years of resources integration, Powerbeijing has developed from a single energy industry to a multi-industry pattern of heating, electricity, coal, healthy cultural tourism, etc. 

In the future, with Zpark's collaborative supports, AsiaInfo will make a further step to exert advantages of its full-stack capabilities of digital intelligence, explore cooperation with Powerbeijing in the field of smart energy, and assist in the development of green, low-carbon, and digital intelligence in energy resources through sci-tech innovation and resource complementarity.