The first AntDB-CE was officially released to join hands with ecology to create more possibilities

2023-03-02 AsiaInfo

On March 1, the AntDB-CE of AsiaInfo was officially opened for free download service. As the first Community product of AntDB, AntDB-CE (Community Edition) V7.2.0 is a complete, easy-to-use, and highly compatible enterprise-level distributed database, which provides detailed online document support, and establishes an AntDB Q&A community for more users to use. 

(I) Story behind the first AntDB-CE 

As a core transaction database developed by AsiaInfo at a telecommunication level, AntDB, which has been verified by the operator core system for 15 years, has a long history of development. The project was first applied to the core billing system in 2008. With the upgrading and iteration of 3G, 4G and 5G communication technology, AntDB has also kept pace with the times to complete the "hop step and jump": from the MMDB to the full-function and universal RDBMS, then to the compatibility with MySQL and PostgreSQL open source ecosystems, and further to the DDB. At present, AntDB serves over 1 billion mobile phone users in 24 provinces and cities throughout the country. Also, it has been running steadily for 15 years, and has taken an important step in exporting after a mass of actual combat verification. 

In July 2022, AsiaInfo released the DDB Ver. 7.0 in the first release of AsiaInfo AntDB. At the end of 2022, AntDB proposed a major update of "hyper-converged" and "streaming real-time warehouse" in its new version. 

Emerging from the communication industry, AntDB has attracted more and more attention and favor from users and developers in the same industry. After practical verification of many core systems, AntDB can basically maintain the pace of one iteration per month and one major upgrade every six months. 

In February 2023, AntDB-CE Ver. 7.2.0 was officially released, which is a new milestone for AntDB to access to the market. AntDB-CE has three advantages: 

  • Integrity: Except for some business components, it provides almost complete set of functions; 

  • Ease of use: AntDB-CE supports lightweight deployment, centralized and distributed deployment, and provides lightweight deployment tools; 

  • High completion: The AntDB-CE released this time has good compatibility and has been adapted to mainstream operating systems and chips. 


Figure: Features of AntDB-CE 

(II) Capability interpretation of AntDB-CE 

AntDB-CE adopts the Share-Nothing architecture, including four components: Coordinator, data node (DB), global transaction manager (GTM) and management node. GTM and DB are stateful components, which need to be considered for high availability. The architecture is as follows: 


Figure: architecture diagram of AntDB-CE 

  • Coordinator 

It Provides SQL parsing, optimizing, routing, results converge, DTC and other functions; 

  • DB 

It is the component that really stores business data, which can realize the horizontal scaling of database capability through sub-database and sub-table, provide multiple sharding functions, and support customized development; It also supports grouping management of DB; 

  • GTM Coordinator 

It is an important component of distributed transaction management,  which provides services of transaction ID and transaction snapshot as well as global serial number and timestamp, participates in 2PC to provide distributed MVCC capability, and provides capability of Coordinator; 

  • Manager 

It manages the addition, configuration, deletion, start/stop, initialization, main/standby switch and other states of the entire cluster nodes. 

(III) Long-term strategy of AntDB-CE  with AntDB 

There are several important meanings behind the release of AntDB-CE for AntDB, and its users and communities. 

  1. With the booming development of domestic basic software, AsiaInfo AntDB hopes to help more users cultivate controllable enterprise-level distributed database capability through its experience and technology of over ten years in the operator industry; 

  2. AsiaInfo hopes to enrich AntDB's business application scenarios, learn more about the needs of customers in the industry, constantly improve its products, and constantly promote progress. 

  3. It also hopes to join hands with multiple partners, give full play to their respective capabilities and advantages to integrate the basic database software with the partners' industry solutions, so as to better help customers achieve their digital transformation and upgrading. 

"Working with partners to build an ecosystem of application information and innovation is AntDB's firmly-implemented development strategy. Database is not only a technical software, but also an ecosystem. We must work with our partners to better help customers achieve digital transformation and upgrading." Said Wang Li, the general manager of AsiaInfo Anhui, who expressed AntDB's investment and determination in community ecology. 

For more details, please visit the official website of AntDB-CE. 

Download link: 

Document link: 


Figure: download the AntDB-CE on official website 

The community focus on Gather & Exchange, Share & Win. AsiaInfo AntDB has always regarded the ecological partnership construction as one of the company's significant development strategies, and has firmly taken the long-term path, fully integrated the database basic software with the partner's industrial solutions, so that it can work with partners to jointly create national and even world-class products according to the needs of different industries.