Top notch! AsiaInfo’s AntDB is shortlisted in the Telecom Industry Database Scenario List of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

2022-09-14 AsiaInfo

Recently, the “Telecommunication Industry Database Adaptation Test Business Specification” and “Telecommunication Industry Database Adaptation Test Technology Specifications” formulated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Institute No. 1 (Namely “National Industrial Information Safety Development Research Center”, hereinafter referred to as CICS-CERT) was officially approved. According to the above specifications, CICS-CERT focuses on core application scenarios and conducts capability evaluations on many domestic databases. The TPS (transactions per second) test results of AsiaInfo’s AntDB database are far ahead, with several indicators shortlisted in the top three, and the comprehensive score ranks second.


Figure: Ranking list

Superior telecom business scenarios highlight the excellent performance of AntDB database

Telecom services have prominent features such as large user base, wide scene coverage, high safety requirements, and multi-format integration. Great difficulties have been brought to the independent and controllable transformation of the telecommunications industry by many aspects including the daily transaction volume of up to 100 billion level, a variety of data types, carrying 100 million level user service data, covering 3G, 4G, 5G and other comprehensive services, integrating artificial intelligence, big data and other applications. All of these are placing strict requirements on the processing performance, stability, and security of database products. AntDB database adopts native distributed architecture, supports centralized, distributed, and cloud-based deployment modes; provides petabyte-level data processing capabilities, with high performance, elastic expansion, and high reliability. Users can obtain better balanced performance and optimal total cost of ownership according to its own needs with fusion memory and disk dual engine. AntDB database supports the integration of business logic into the database server for execution, which improves the “end-to-end” business performance by several times or even dozens of times. It is compatible with Feiteng, Kunpeng, Haiguang, Loongson and other domestic chips as well as Tongxin, Kirin, Euler and other domestic operating systems.

At present, the AntDB database has become the core business system database of telecom operators, and is widely used in finance, transportation, energy, and other industries. With its “hard power”, it provides 7*24 hours of real-time online services for about 1 billion users in more than 20 provinces across the country.


Figure:AntDB Product features

Promoting industrial development requires standards first

The “Telecommunication Industry Database Adaptation Test Business Specifications” and “Telecommunication Industry Database Adaptation Test Technology Specifications” are essential achievements of the unique work of the “Telecom Sub-center” of the National Database Adaptation Verification Center. They are finally produced based on real scenarios, technology applications, and business practices combined with the opinions of experts and operators. It aims to provide a standard basis for evaluating database product capabilities in the telecommunications industry, comprehensively verify the “telecom-level” business capabilities of database products, and provide an authoritative reference for evaluating and selecting database products and services to demanders, suppliers, and management departments.


Figure: Database Capability Evaluation Model for Telecom Industry

The establishment of the normative project and the generation of domestic database test cases are conducive to promoting the popularization and application of domestic database products in the telecommunications industry, promoting the improvement of independent innovation database performance and service level, and setting a model for the standardization work of database products in other industries. The model of “Industry-University-Research-Practice” will play a leading role, and ultimately promote the comprehensive development of domestic databases and even information technology application innovation industries.