5G is Setting Sail, Digital Intelligence Leads to Win-win Results | AsiaInfo Participated in the 2021 China Unicom Partnership Conference in Depth

2021-12-09 AsiaInfo

On December 6-7, the 2021 China Unicom Partnership Conference was grandly held. As a core partner of China Unicom, AsiaInfo was invited to attend events including the main summit of the conference, the 5G Application Innovation Summit Forum, and the Summit Forum of Science and Technology Innovation. AsiaInfo has extensively cooperated with China Unicom in many aspects such as industrial collaboration, R&D and innovation, and makes joint efforts to enable more industries and more companies to share 5G development opportunities, and promote the vigorous development of the digital economy.

An important launch in the main summit to make joint efforts to drive the digital economy

The Conference is themed on “Inspiring New Ideas with Cohesion, Sailing to the Future”. Liu Liehong, Chairman of China Unicom, delivered a keynote speech titled Sticking to the Main Channel of Digital Economy to Achieve a New Win-win Future of Digital Economy at the conference, announcing the new positioning of China Unicom: the national team, main force, pioneer, as well as the new strategy: strengthening the foundation, adhering to the right way to make innovation, integration and openness, and deploying the strategic businesses of social connection, big computing, big data, big applications, and macro-security. It will fully undertake the new mission given by the times, share the fruits of digital development, smooth the main artery of information for economic and social development, and build a new digital foundation.

At the main summit, Tian Suning, Chairman of AsiaInfo appeared through a video to wish the 2021 Unicom Partnership Conference a complete success on behalf of AsiaInfo, and expressed that as computing power drives the future and wisdom brightens life, AsiaInfo would like to go hand in hand with China Unicom to inspire new ideas with cohesion and set sail for the future.

At the conference, He Biao, Deputy General Manager of China Unicom, officially launched the “China Unicom Smart Brain Product”. Gao Nianshu, Executive Director and CEO of AsiaInfo, was invited to attend the main summit and attended the launch ceremony with Liu Liehong, Chairman of China Unicom, Chen Zhongyue, General Manager of China Unicom, and senior executives from Huawei and ZTE. “Unicom Smart Brain” aims to create a symbolic and leading brain-like intelligent middle-ground and super-computing cloud-network engine, and build a high-speed, ubiquitous, cloud-network integrated intelligent hub for China Unicom and all walks of life.


Photo: Gao Nianshu attended the joint launch ceremony

AsiaInfo was among the first batch to join Smart Operation Alliance of China Unicom Network to jointly release 5G innovative products

On the Network Innovation Forum, China Unicom and industry partners initiated the establishment of “China Unicom Network Smart Operation Alliance”. AsiaInfo, Huawei, ZTE, and H3C are among the first batch of alliance members. An Xiaoming, Vice President and China Unicom Business Division of AsiaInfo, was invited to attend the launch ceremony at forum and jointly released the White Paper 2.0 on Autonomous Networks of China Unicom and innovative products such as cloud-network-edge integration, 5G private network operation platform, and network AI platform with Mai Yanzhou (Deputy General Manager of China Unicom) and business partners.


Photo: An Xiaoming attended the joint launch ceremony

In 5G Application Innovation Summit Forum themed “Navigated by 5G, Sailing to the Future”, Liang Baojun, Deputy General Manager of China Unicom, Zhang Ping, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wang Zhiqin, Deputy Dean of the Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Xue Jiping, Senior Vice President of Government-Enterprise Business Division of China Unicom were present at the forum, and An Xiaoming, Vice President and General Manager of China Unicom Business Division of AsiaInfo was invited to attend. China Unicom and the members of the 5G Application Innovation Alliance jointly launched the “Sailing” action cooperation initiative, and released the “5G Industry Private Network Product System 2.0” (and 5G Private Network PLUS) and “20 Industry 5G Application Solutions”.


Photo: An Xiaoming attended the joint launch ceremony

Gathering the power of science and technology innovation to co-build the integration of computing power and network

Mai Yanzhou, Deputy General Manager of China Unicom, attended and delivered a speech at the Summit Forum of Science and Technology Innovation. Ma Hongbing, General Manager of the Science and Technology Innovation Department of China Unicom, and other guests focused on the development and cooperation of science and technology innovation to introduce the new layout of science and technology innovation and cooperation, as well as the production-investment coordination support policy of China Unicom. Dr. Ouyang Ye, CTO and Senior Vice President of AsiaInfo, was invited to attend the event, and talked with executives from Huawei, ZTE, CICT, CEC, Intel and other companies about cloud-network integration, computing power-network integration, and discussed how to cooperate in scientific and technological innovation in the future.

Dr. Ouyang Ye stated that cloud-network integration is an inevitable choice for the development of new information infrastructure. The digital transformation of government and enterprise customers places new demands on the development of cloud-network integration, while computing power-network integration is an important means to achieve “integrated computing power-network” services. AsiaInfo and China Unicom have achieved tremendous results in the R&D and commercial implementation of the 5th generation of mobile communications, and have been exploring the development path and methodology from cloud-network integration to computing power-network integration. “With our leading products, services, operations, and integration capabilities, we will help China Unicom build facilities integrating cloud and network, a smart computing power and network brain architecture, unified cloud and network performance editing, and integrated computing power and network operation services to promote computing power-network integration in an all-around way.”


Photo: Dr. Ouyang Ye attended the Summit Forum of Science and Technology Innovation

AsiaInfo has cooperated with China Unicom Since 2000. In 21 years, AsiaInfo has always been a core partner of China Unicom. By closely following the “Big IT Strategy” of China Unicom, AsiaInfo currently continues to help China Unicom build its “smart operation brain” capabilities, laying a solid foundation for “smart operation”. At the same time, AsiaInfo takes data-driven DSaaS digital operation model to provide operation products and services to vertical industries such as communications, finance, public security, automobiles, and energy, and jointly explore the value of operation markets inside and outside the domain with China Unicom.

This year is the beginning of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, and is also a critical year for China Unicom to accelerate its comprehensive digital transformation and achieve a new leap in high-quality development. AsiaInfo will work with China Unicom to cooperate with more partners to empower the digital transformation of the economy and society, boost the construction of a cyber power, the Digital China, a smart society, and a science and technology power, and contribute to the high-quality development of the economy and society.