AsiaInfo Won the Bid for Guangxi Xing’an Wind Power Project to Accelerate Smart Transformation of New Energy Industry

2020-07-13 AsiaInfo

On July 7, 2020, SPIC Guangxi Electric Power Co., Ltd. officially announced the selection result of the “Procurement and Installation Project of Wireless 4G Network Coverage Equipment for Qiuping Wind Farm of Xing’an Wind Power Co., Ltd.”, and AsiaInfo successfully won the bid.

SPIC Guangxi Xing'an Wind Power is the largest onshore wind power in South China. This project aims to solve the entire wireless communication coverage of the wind farm, in order to provide safe, stable and optimal wireless communication for the last “97 kilometers” of the wind farm (in which the ubiquitous perception area needs to be established for wind power assets). At the same time, by deeply integrating with the automation, information and digital applications of wind farms, it will realize seamless connection of subsequent services, such as remote cameras, patrol robots, smart construction sites, refinement of smart equipment management and maintenance, information trend and intelligent applications.

After rigorous review and appraisal, the “Wireless Network Solution of Smart Power Plant” submitted by AsiaInfo stood out from many manufacturers and successfully won the bid. Built on the technology leadership of AsiaInfo’s intelligent network management for many years in the telecommunications field, combined with more than 20 years of rich experience of AsiaInfo’s energy business team in the power industry and carefully crafted with the most advanced technical methods at present, this solution has typical technical advantages suitable for the power industry: 1) Legal frequency band authorized by operators; 2) Localized base station with independent property rights that meets openness and industry characteristics; 3) Cost-effective scenario adaptation; 4) Intelligent network operation and maintenance; 5) Industrial application practice that fully integrates and satisfies the smart energy.

Previously, with the help of the relevant teams of China Mobile, the energy business team of AsiaInfo conducted several months of test and verification work on the project site, which was highly recognized by users.

The leaders and experts of Guangxi Branch of SPIC believe that AsiaInfo’s solution can fully verify the advanced nature and high cost performance of the “Wireless Network Solution of Smart Power Plant”, and is more suitable for the complex topography and meteorological environment of Xing’an Wind Power and other wind farms, as well as meets the needs of complex applications for mass intelligent production in the future.

In recent years, wind power has been developing by leaps and bounds. China has become the wind power market with the largest installed capacity in the world. Wind power has become an indispensable part clean energy power generation in China. Due to the constraints of technical principles such as wind energy resources, stability of wind direction, coefficients of wind turbine capacity, and seasonal changes, wind farms are generally constructed on sparsely populated areas such as sea, mountains, and plains. The biggest feature of such type of area is that the surrounding infrastructure is poor, and communication cannot be guaranteed, which makes the equipment data communication and personnel operation safety monitoring inconvenient during infrastructure building, operation, maintenance and emergency, and even has hidden risks. Therefore, in order to grasp the operation status of wind turbines and the working conditions of on-site personnel in real time, quickly judge, respond to and guide the troubleshooting of wind turbines, realize various remote, mobile and intelligent applications, and further improve the efficiency of on-site work and power generation, wireless communication network with high cost performance, high security, high reliability and full scene coverage needs to be quickly deployed in wind farms.

Chen Haixia, Vice President of AsiaInfo Energy Division, said that the technical advantages of AsiaInfo’s “Wireless Network Solution of Smart Power Plant” can provide users with better wireless communication methods and fundamentally solve the end coverage needs of smart production. Going deeper into industry applications, 4G/5G technology will promote the new energy and new infrastructure, accelerate the digital transformation of the energy industry, and adds more value for users.