Ouyang Ye from AsiaInfo: Communication Big Data Provides an Effective Means for Epidemic Prevention and Control

2020-03-16 AsiaInfo

On March 6, the Golden Roundtable seminar of “The Fight Against Epidemic - Intelligent Power of Information and Communication Industry” hosted by people.cn was held online. Dr. Ouyang Ye,  Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of AsiaInfo (stock code: 01675.HK), was invited to attend the seminar. Ouyang Ye said that in the face of outbreak of the epidemic, AsiaInfo cooperated with the three major operators to leverage its capabilities in communication big data and artificial intelligence to provide powerful help and means in the epidemic prevention and control.

Ouyang Ye introduced that AsiaInfo divided the overall epidemic control into five stages: epidemic perception, epidemic awareness, epidemic prediction, anti-epidemic command, epidemic prevention and resumption of work. Based on these five stages, AsiaInfo has made full use of its basic capabilities in big data and communication artificial intelligence to quickly create 16 products.


For epidemic perception, AsiaInfo promptly launched a monitoring system for key areas, a monitoring system for automatic detection of outsiders, a 3D reality monitoring system for sensitive areas, and an outbound automated information collection system. For epidemic awareness, a macro information system of epidemic, a traceability system for high-risk populations, and an early warning system for epidemic infection risk were launched. For epidemic prediction, an epidemic trend awareness system and an assessment system of epidemic infection risk were developed and launched to provide decision-making basis for government departments.

Furthermore, Dr. Ouyang also introduced that AsiaInfo has also developed a global epidemic prevention command module, a nationwide notification of epidemic information, a judgment system for whether observing the regulations on epidemic, and a system for rapid distribution of epidemic materials in order to fully assist governments and enterprises in the anti-epidemic command.

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Ouyang Ye said that as it was a critical period for overall resumption of work and production at the moment, AsiaInfo also launched related product solutions to improve the efficiency of automation to give a hand in personnel management in public places and coordinated cloud offices in different places. Aiming at the following orderly resumption of production, production acceleration and efficiency improvement of enterprise, and urban governance, “AsiaInfo hopes to work with operators and industry partners to carry out some forward-looking researches and product innovations.”

Dr. Ouyang Ye , chief technology officer and Vice President of AsiaInfo Technology Limited (known as AsiaInfo). He is also the first Chinese-American winner of “Future Digital Leader Award” of TMForum in 2019; the “Asian American Engineer of the Year” in the United States in 2017; formerly worked at Verizon, the largest mobile communications operator in the United States, and became the youngest academician Fellow (representing Verizon’s top scientist honor) in Verizon history and served as the manager of the Verizon Modeling AI System. Dr. Ouyang Ye is a well-known expert in the fields of mobile communication big data and artificial intelligence, and one of the scientists who researched the fields of communication AI and big data technology in the earliest stage in the United States. Dr. Ouyang has authored more than 30 academic papers, more than 40 patents, 7 international standards, 5 academic books or chapters, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Radio Engineering of Southeast University of China, a master’s degree of Columbia University, a master’s degree from Tufts University, and a doctorate of Stevens Institute of Technology.