Trainees of China Unicom's 2023 Digitizer Line Managers Ability Improvement Training Class Entered AsiaInfo

2023-10-20 AsiaInfo

On October 19th, all the trainees of the “First Part of Training Class for Digitizer Line Managers of China Unicom” attended by the general managers and deputy general managers of digitizer departments of China Unicom's provincial companies, branches, and subsidiaries paid a special visit to AsiaInfo to carry out exchange and study. The training class was led by Sun Shizhen, General Manager of the Digitizer Department of China Unicom. Gao Nianshu, CEO and Executive Director of AsiaInfo, Chen Wu and Ouyang Ye, Senior Vice Presidents, An Xiaoming, Li Yunchuan, and Chen Haixia, Vice Presidents, attended the exchange. 

1.jpgFigure: Sun Shizhen Was Delivering a Speech 

Sun Shizhen showed gratitude to AsiaInfo for carefully preparing the exchange activities. He said that AsiaInfo has made outstanding contributions to the informatization construction of China Unicom, and he expected that AsiaInfo would play a greater role in the transformation of China Unicom from digitalization to intelligence. He asked all the trainees to cherish the opportunity of learning and communication, put into practice what they have learned, and make knowledge benefit learning as well as practicing. 

2.jpgFigure: Gao Nianshu Was Delivering a Speech 

Gao Nianshu extended a warm welcome to the digitizer line managers of China Unicom to AsiaInfo for communication and study and expressed thanks to China Unicom for its trust and support to AsiaInfo over the years. He said that in recent years, AsiaInfo has adhered to the strategy of “One Consolidation with Three Developments”, held its “Dual Leading Position of Products and Services”, empowered communication and digital and intelligent transformation of hundreds of industries, and formed a complete set of full-link, end-to-end and full-stack digital intelligence capability system with its accumulation. It is hoped that more innovative impetus will be inspired in both parties through this exchange activity. 

3、欧阳晔.jpgFigure: Dr. Ouyang Wei Made an Explanation on the Spot 

Dr. Ouyang Ye, CTO and Senior Vice President of AsiaInfo and IEEE Fellow introduced the technologies and product systems of AsiaInfo to the trainees. The trainees said that AsiaInfo's precision grasp of the R&D life cycle had impressed them very much, and the To B product business philosophy was highly compatible with the requirements of China Unicom's digitizer line to focus on the business value of IT systems; The TelcoGPT independently developed by AsiaInfo crossed the gap between communication business and general big model, with its R&D philosophy and path bringing a lot of inspiration. 

4、袁道唯.jpgFigure: Dr. Yuan Daowei Shared Ideas 

Dr. Yuan Daowei, Chief Consultant of iResearch, Li Chao and Tao Lei, Chief Analysts, shared the practices of AsiaInfo and its affiliated company iResearch in the fields of digital intelligence insight, industry analysis, and digital intelligence operation. From the World Outlook and Practice Theory of Digital Transformation to the great changes brought by digitalization in the 6G era to the practical cases of digital intelligence operation, new business philosophies, integration methods, and business models have been of great interest. 

5、陈海霞.jpgFigure: Chen Haixia Shared Ideas 

Chen Haixia, Vice President of AsiaInfo and General Manager of the Energy Division, Li Guizhi, Vice President of Yaxinhuoyun, and others shared a lot in the fields of 5G private network of the electric power, distributed energy sharing and operation and maintenance empowering the smart energy sources, logistics digitalization, intelligent building and terminal delivery, which has aroused great interest of the people. 

6、安晓明.jpgFigure: Speech by An Xiaoming 

An Xiaoming, Vice President of AsiaInfo and General Manager of China Unicom Business Division said in the summary of the exchange activity that AsiaInfo was willing to bring full-stack digital intelligence capabilities to help China Unicom and its provincial companies, branches, and subsidiaries achieve a new leap in digital intelligence, and looked forward to realizing closer and in-depth cooperation with China Unicom in the fields of implementation of process automation, in-depth development of digital intelligence scenario empowerment, data connectivity, and operation, etc., so as to jointly help the digital and intelligent transformation of hundreds of industries and contribute wisdom and strength to “Chinese-style modernization”. 

7、培训现场.jpgFigure: Communication during the Training: Trainees Were Visiting AsiaInfo Innovation Exhibition Center 展厅.jpg