Appreciation Letter from a Major SOE Infrastructure Company! AsiaInfo helps Hainan Nuclear Power be the first to apply 5G technology

2022-12-16 AsiaInfo

Recently, Hainan Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hainan Nuclear Power) sent an appreciation letter to AsiaInfo, expressing its high recognition of the efforts of AsiaInfo's 5G private network project team. According to Hainan Nuclear Power, despite the pressing deadline of the arduous project of the Unit 2 5G production wireless network, the 5G private network project team of AsiaInfo has collaborated with other competent departments to enable the first 5G video call in the RX plant of Hainan Nuclear Power Unit 2. What’s more, the project node was achieved one week earlier than planned! This successful video call marked the first time that 5G network coverage was completed in Hainan Nuclear Power's nuclear island plant. It also ushered in a new era for Hainan Nuclear Power's production and operation and maintenance.

Affiliated to CNNC, Hainan Nuclear Power is the southernmost nuclear power base in China. It is also a nuclear power base with a variety of second-generation improved, third-generation and demonstration small reactors. It plays an active role in the development of nuclear energy and nuclear power construction in China. Hainan Nuclear Power has long been ranking top worldwide in terms of reactor operational safety. Up to now, it has provided nearly one-third of the Hainan's electricity supply. It is the "ballast" for optimizing Hainan's energy structure and achieving low-carbon green development.

The application of 5G technology to the nuclear power production wireless network is unprecedented in the field of nuclear power information construction. Such a feat is to the credit of CNNC. Despite difficulties, Hainan Nuclear Power seeks development through innovation to build an industrial internet infrastructure network combining 5G wireless communication and wired communication for Hainan Nuclear Power. It streamlines the operation of nuclear power units and the construction of smart power plants with a high-quality 5G network, and provides samples and examples of 5G technology application for other nuclear power plants worldwide.

As a pioneer in the application of 5G technology and a partner in the development of smart nuclear power facilities, AsiaInfo enjoys its leading capabilities of  5G private network and 5G business support system construction and operation and maintenance, as well as advanced ICT, AIoT, AI and other technologies. It proposes the AsiaInfo smart nuclear 5G private network solution for the production and operation and maintenance communication in the complex nuclear power site environment. It provides AsiaInfo 5G private network equipment that has nuclear power industry attributes. It also provides related supporting applications and original plant operation and maintenance services, contributing to the safe and efficient production of nuclear power.

With 5G technology as the driver and the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing, it is the mission of AsiaInfo to accelerate the transformation of various industries into digital intelligence. At present, 5G applications have entered a critical stage of large-scale development, and AsiaInfo will further cultivate industry scenarios to empower the nuclear power industrial internet based on 5G technology, making the production of the nuclear power industry chain safer and more efficient, and making the industrial model more intelligent.