Lu Dongliang, Vice Governor of Shanxi Province, Led the Delegation to Visit AsiaInfo

2021-09-07 AsiaInfo

On September 4, Lu Dongliang, Vice Governor of Shanxi Province, led the delegation to ZPark for investigation, and made a special visit to AsiaInfo. Gao Nianshu, Executive Director and CEO of AsiaInfo, and Chen Wu, Senior Vice President, were responsible for the reception.


At the Innovation Exhibition Center, Lu Dongliang listened to AsiaInfo’s innovative practices in cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, AI, big data, and the Internet of Things, as well as active explorations in digital operations, smart cities, smart communities, smart energy, and information innovation. He deeply praised AsiaInfo’s commitment to the joint development of science and technology of the motherland, and recognized AsiaInfo’s expansion of diversified business space and extensive empowerment in the digital transformation of government affairs, communications, finance, energy, transportation, postal services and other industries.

Gao Nianshu said that AsiaInfo has developed a To B and To G business capabilities featuring “excellent products, strong services, and skilled operations” in the process of serving large enterprises and government agencies in the past 30 years. AsiaInfo is willing and able to contribute more scientific and technological strength to the transformation and upgrading of various industries and the development of information innovation industry in Shanxi Province in reliance on its “carrier-grade” products, services, operations and integration capabilities.


It is reported that during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, Shanxi Province will focus on national strategies such as peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality and provincial transformation and development, make overall arrangement for key industries such as information innovation and big data, strengthen innovation-driven development, and gather social resources in innovation, in order to continuously optimize industrial conditions and business environment, and explore new technology-based paths and models to drive development.

Zhang Hongliang, Deputy Director of General Office of Shanxi Province, Wang Hongjin, Director of Shanxi Provincial Department of Commerce, Dong Biao, Director of Beijing Office of Shanxi Provincial Government, Jiao Yufeng, Deputy Director of Shanxi Provincial Department of Commerce, Yang Nan, Chairman of ZPark, and Zhao Qiang, General Manager of ZGC ZhiKu, accompanied the investigation.